BLESS DVD Vol. 2 N°30-N°41
BLESS DVD Vol. 2 N°30-N°41
BLESS DVD Vol. 2, Retroperspective Home N°30 – N°41
Featuring BLESS shows from summer 2007 to winter 2010/2011, this DVD reveals BLESS's unique way of presenting a collection.
Exploring the titles N°30 Intrarelevance, N°31 Ohyescoolgreat, N°32 Frustverderber, N°34 Eprfect Verything!, N°36 Nothingneath, N°37 New Sheheit, N°39 Heart Ringers, or N°40 Whatwasitagain, the videos illustrate BLESS's services for press, clients and models.
Videos directed by Sébastien Jamain.
Sébastien Jamain is a filmmaker (Evidence nº 3, Rio de Piemont, Songs of the Song). Only a happ y few who are used to going deeper than underground have seen his movies. Between 2004 and 2008, he was Editor-in-chief of the Purple Journal. On Tuesday, October 3, 2006, he was hanging around the new BLESS shop in Paris, on rue Portefoin. A Japanese friend of his was not there to discover the new BLESS collection. Sébastien thought it was a pity for a BLESS fan to miss such a lovely situation, so he decided to film a little something in order to send it to Tokyo. By chance, it happened that the BLESS girls saw the documentation, and since then, have asked Sébastien to film each of their showvideos.
Eight videos,
total duration approx. 55 min.
Multizone PAL 2010